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Deep Learning: Image Recognition with CIFAR-10

The goal of this project will be to develop several ConvNets to correctly classify images to develop a scalable approach to image recognition. The approaches described can be applied to labeling the content of images, performing image searches, guiding robots, self-driving cars, and more.
Eric Haney
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"Le parole danno i numeri"

Twitter analysis aimed at profiling subjects affected by quarantine-induced stress
Nicola Salerno
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Get Music

Get Music Bot is a twitter bot used to provide audio information of videos on twitter, you can refer to it as the Shazam on twitter. When the bot is mentioned as a reply to a tweet containing a video it performs some ETL process by extracting media into a data lake (s3) and running it through a...
David Oden
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Auto Text Generation

Developed an intelligent application that predicts the next n words given a sequence of words based on a Markov's N-Grams assumption.
Priyesh Dave
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Movies Recommender System

Developed an intelligent application that recommends user movies related to the movie selected by the them based on Cosine Similarity among the movies.
Priyesh Dave
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Credit Card Fraud Detection with TensorFlow and Keras

For this project, I attempted to train an Autoencoder Neural Network (implemented in Keras) in unsupervised (or semi-supervised) fashion for Anomaly Detection (fraud detection) in credit card transaction data. The trained model will then be evaluated on a gold standard pre-labeled and...
Jeffrey Ekeanyanwu
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Using co-word network community detection and LDA topic model to extract topics on TED Talks.

This project applies two automatic clustering (co-word network analysis with community detection & NLP techniques with LDA topic modeling) on 3 data columns (related tags, video description and transcript) to extract topics from TED Talks, and discerns whether more controlled vocabularies and...
Amber Hong
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Perspectives to the Future of Software Startups in the U.S.

This study aims to explore the ecosphere of the startups in the U.S. software industry and build a predictive model to foresee their future development. Several visualization graphs are presented to depict different aspects of the ecosphere; by interpreting the information revealed from which,...
Amber Hong
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Covid Dataset Exploratory Data Analysis

In this project I did some data exploration analysis Covid Data using SQL and Python. Then I used Tableau for further analysis and Data Visualization.
Soufiane DAHIMI
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Car Price Analysis

Car price analysis with python using various factors to see how price react to them
Daniel Osariemen Osazee
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Machine Learning: Regression project

As a final project for the second course of the ibm machine learning specialization, do a simple project on a linear regression applying different configurations and regularizations.
Vicente Figueroa
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Deep Learning Project

As a final project of the deep learning course of the ibm specialty for machine learning, I tested different configurations of text processing in recurrent networks, obtaining different results and perspectives with each model tested.
Vicente Figueroa
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Boston House Prices EDA

You are a Data Scientist with a housing agency in Boston MA, you have been given access to a previous dataset on housing prices derived from the U.S. Census Service to present insights to higher management. Based on your experience in Statistics, what information can you provide them to help...
Akriti Sood
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Airbus Ship Detection

In this project, we aim to explore the application of deep learning techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), to highlight an innovative approach to automatic ship detection in the context of maritime domain awareness. The paper aims to provide a brief description of the problem,...
Jay Bendre
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Relevium can identify disaster cycles as a medium for identifying the hazard risk and consequently prepare a community for effective mitigation. Vulnerable zones, their types, effects, and the depth of a disaster are identified. This can be used for developing an early-warning communication...
Jay Bendre
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Gradient Boosting Implementation from Scratch

Inspired by the sustained popularity of the Gradient Boosting Regression Tree (“GBTR”) algorithm, we go back to square one in an attempt to complete a from-scratch implementation in Python. This paper documents a journey from the basics of the regression tree algorithm through gradient boosting...
Jay Bendre
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Twitter API Scraping, Analysis of trends and Sentiment Analysis

The project goal is to create a pipeline that will collect data from the Twitter API, clean it, and apply NLP procedures in sentiment scoring and text annotation. Power bi report was created for a more dynamic and interactive analytics, as well as a more detailed analysis.
Chidiebere Afamefuna
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Development of a Predictive Web App for heart disease detection

Machine learning techniques were used to create a model for heart disease prediction, and the model was deployed on the Heroku cloud using Flask backend technology.
Chidiebere Afamefuna
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DCGAN Face Generation

Use a DCGAN on the CelebFaces Attributes Dataset (CelebA) dataset to generate images of new and realistic human faces.
Mahmoud Reda
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Laptop Price Predictor

In this project, I built a website for laptop price prediction. It started from data analysis till website deployment. All the resources are available in the Github repository.
Ali Yusifov
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