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Using ML to predict how much your car will cost

Created a web app that predicts the selling price of your used car in dollars based on features such as age, odometer value, gear and vehicle type etc. Cleaned and analyzed a dataset of used cars sold on Craigslist, applied and compared between different regression models such as XGBoost and...
Clavin Dsouza
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Analysing volumes of Demon Slayer manga on Amazon

Created an interactive web app that allows users to view summarized data of user reviews of the popular manga "Demon Slayer" on Amazon. Used web scraping tools such as Beautifulsoup to extract the user reviews for each volume of the manga into a .json file. Analyzed the reviews using data...
Clavin Dsouza
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Access to the education around the world

In this project, data are collected from different databases. The main objective was to produce a dashboard and segmentation to explain the differences in access to school around the world. Clustering algorithms are used and 4 groups were found. With the help of these clusters, we can imagine...
Cécile Guillot
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Coviprev Analysis

French gouvernment with the help of "Santé Publique France" made a survey about mental health of French people during the Covid19 crisis. Results of this survey are available on Internet on the website data.gouv.fr. In this project, I use the data to study the impact of the Covid19 and the...
Cécile Guillot
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Epidemiological Simulation

simulation and visualization of the propagation of a virus in a population according to different parameters. Then mathematical validation thanks to epidemiological models with compartments.
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No-code AI platform

The No-code AI platform is a site developed with Python and deployed with Streamlit, which allows to do Machine/Deep Learning without writing any line of code.
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NHS Python Community (NHS.pycom)

Co-founder of the NHS Python community (NHS.pycom) — an open community of practice, driven by enthusiasts and advocates, championing the use of the python programming language and open code in the NHS and healthcare sector.
Mary Amanuel
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Tracking changes in transactions fees

Link to code: https://tinyurl.com/notion-document
Edi Pirnat
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Salary Prediction in Tech Jobs

How much should someone earn based on level education and experience? Despite the fact that salary may not always be the primary motivation for accepting a job offer or staying in a role. The objective is to make accurate salary predictions based on existing known salaries by job and location....
Thiago Pauli
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Covid-19 Data Exploration

The aim of this project is to create a interactive dashboard to visualize the Covid-19 numbers across the world regards infections, deaths and vaccinations. Although it is a simple project, the purpose was to get familiar with SQL queries and Tableau software.
Thiago Pauli
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RFM Customer Segmentation

RFM segmentation allows marketers to target specific clusters of customers with communications that are much more relevant for their particular behavior – and thus generate much higher rates of response, plus increased loyalty and customer lifetime value. Like other segmentation methods, RFM...
Khair Ahammed
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WR Predictor

A web app allowing you to predict the best possible time for a game speedrun.
Charles-Meldhine Madi Mnemoi
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Lyrics Explorer

A web app allowing you to explore statistics and charts about French Hip-Hop lyrics.
Charles-Meldhine Madi Mnemoi
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A project under 365DataScience data challenge. Manipulate data pre-processing and validation with MySQL, Perform data import and modelling and Create specific measures using DAX expressions.
Dinh-Duc Tran
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Data Science Jobs Monitoring

This project is a system that utilizes web scraping to collect job descriptions for data science positions from Indeed.com on a daily basis. The system then analyses the collected data and displays the most in-demand technologies for data science in the form of interactive visuals.
Abdessamad. BAAHMED
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NBA Players Investment

This project is a prediction system for basketball player investment which utilizes a microservices architecture. The system comprises several different services, including a machine learning model that has been trained to predict the investment potential of a basketball player.
Abdessamad. BAAHMED
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Saturdays.AI ML course

Course I organise with the aim of making Artificial Intelligence more accessible. The notebooks in the repo are the different sessions that the students go through, each one having a practice and a challenge for them to solve. The topics covered are Exploratory Data Analysis, Supervised and...
Marcos Ivorra Peleguer
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GPU Data Extraction

Scraped data on Amazon containing GPU Prices & preprocessed the data to use for data visualization & predictive modeling. Click on the 2nd link to see the article on Medium.
Huy Doan
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From-Scratch Machine Learning Algorithms in Python

Implementation of KNN classification/regression, K-means Clustering classification/regression, neural networks (multi-layer perceptron classifier/regressor), and gradient descent least-squares optimization with regularization. These projects were coded with the intent to cement my knowledge of...
Turner Luke
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Fake News Classification

I use bagging and boosting ensemble methods and compare the results in classifying fake and real news articles.
Gareth Moen
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