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RFM Customer Segmentation

RFM segmentation allows marketers to target specific clusters of customers with communications that are much more relevant for their particular behavior – and thus generate much higher rates of response, plus increased loyalty and customer lifetime value. Like other segmentation methods, RFM...
Khair Ahammed
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WR Predictor

A web app allowing you to predict the best possible time for a game speedrun.
Charles-Meldhine Madi Mnemoi
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Lyrics Explorer

A web app allowing you to explore statistics and charts about French Hip-Hop lyrics.
Charles-Meldhine Madi Mnemoi
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Music Database Data Pipeline PoC

A proof of concept of a complete data pipeline generating real-time dashboards from a music store database.
Charles-Meldhine Madi Mnemoi
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A project under 365DataScience data challenge. Manipulate data pre-processing and validation with MySQL, Perform data import and modelling and Create specific measures using DAX expressions.
Dinh-Duc Tran
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Data Science Jobs Monitoring

This project is a system that utilizes web scraping to collect job descriptions for data science positions from Indeed.com on a daily basis. The system then analyses the collected data and displays the most in-demand technologies for data science in the form of interactive visuals.
Abdessamad. BAAHMED
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NBA Players Investment

This project is a prediction system for basketball player investment which utilizes a microservices architecture. The system comprises several different services, including a machine learning model that has been trained to predict the investment potential of a basketball player.
Abdessamad. BAAHMED
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Saturdays.AI ML course

Course I organise with the aim of making Artificial Intelligence more accessible. The notebooks in the repo are the different sessions that the students go through, each one having a practice and a challenge for them to solve. The topics covered are Exploratory Data Analysis, Supervised and...
Marcos Ivorra Peleguer
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Covid-19 Vaccination rollout prediction

Project whose objective was to forecast the rollout of vaccination predictions amongst affected countries. Given the uncertainty aspect of the problem, we used probabilistic methods to measure the uncertainty of the forecasts. Moreover, given the disparity in policies against Covid-19 and the...
Marcos Ivorra Peleguer
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Analysis of US January Air traffic

Project whose objective was to bring light to air traffic trends in the US after the christmas holidays. To achieve more interesting insights, the data is complemented with weather data through a JSON API. The project starts by considering research questions that would bring value to everyday...
Marcos Ivorra Peleguer
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Poverty rate analysis with linear regression and PCA

This notebook focuses on the analysis of the poverty rate of OECD countries in 2015. The analysis shows that income inequality explains the most of the poverty rate, but the share of this factor tends to change depending on the country.
Valentin Joly
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GPU Data Extraction

Scraped data on Amazon containing GPU Prices & preprocessed the data to use for data visualization & predictive modeling. Click on the 2nd link to see the article on Medium.
Huy Doan
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From-Scratch Machine Learning Algorithms in Python

Implementation of KNN classification/regression, K-means Clustering classification/regression, neural networks (multi-layer perceptron classifier/regressor), and gradient descent least-squares optimization with regularization. These projects were coded with the intent to cement my knowledge of...
Turner Luke
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Flower specie classification

In this project, I trained an image classifier to recognize different species of flowers with over 98% accuracy on the test set. The classifier is then exported first for a command line application and then a web application using streamlit and later deployed with Heroku.
Michael Ewetola
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Fake News Classification

I use bagging and boosting ensemble methods and compare the results in classifying fake and real news articles.
Gareth Moen
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Imbalance classification problem

Final dissertation for the BSc in Statistics at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. The document proposes several approaches to deal with Class Imbalance.
Gabriele Cola
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Deep Learning: Image Recognition with CIFAR-10

The goal of this project will be to develop several ConvNets to correctly classify images to develop a scalable approach to image recognition. The approaches described can be applied to labeling the content of images, performing image searches, guiding robots, self-driving cars, and more.
Eric Haney
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Artificial Neural Networks: Predicting Patient Outcomes

The goal is to understand the factors that lead to the survivability of patients who have experienced an acute myocardial infarction. Looking at a sample population of patients in the Massachusetts area, advanced data analysis will help gain some clarity on what affects their outcome.
Eric Haney
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Braintree Analytics Coding Challenge

Completed the Alexander Connelly Braintree SQL coding challenge for data analysts, querying the database to answer a set of business questions and returning specific tables. Check out links to the project's documentation and GitHub repository.
Daniel Obi-Enadhuze
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"Le parole danno i numeri"

Twitter analysis aimed at profiling subjects affected by quarantine-induced stress
Nicola Salerno
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