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To what extent does perceived authorship play a role in the appreciation of algorithmically generated poetry in sonnet and haiku poems

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About this project

The researcher I collaborated with wanted to approach the question whether authorship plays a role in the appreciation of algorithmically generated poetry in sonnet and haiku poems. The data file had to be cleaned and re-organized to fit the proper format for the hypotheses design.

I have initially described the sample using graphs and descriptive statistics. To be able to conduct the analysis, a check to see weather any assumptions were violated was performed. This revealed that data met all of the assumptions required to perform the test. I have proceeded further with the analysis, and performed a Two-Way Mixed ANOVA. The repeated-measures factor was represented by appreciation of different poem type (Sonnet appreciation and Haiku appreciation) and the between-groups factor represented by perceived authorship (Poet Authorship, Machine Learning Algorithm Authorship, and No Authorship).


The results reject all three hypotheses along with the main question of the research, therefore poems with poet authorship do not have an effect on sonnet and haiku appreciation, when compared with authorship ascribed to algorithms.


I have also provided statistical interpretation of results and academic reporting, and all of the tables and figures were generated, formatted, named and labeled using APA Style.