Priyesh Dave
Data Scientist at Tata Consultancy Services
Based in Indore
Data science professional with 3.8 years of experience around ML, NLP, DL, Predictive modeling, and Statistical Analysis.
Document Redaction
This project revolves around the ability to recognize sensitive words within documents. To do this I am making use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) where the focus is on Named Entity Recognition which searches a body of text and classifies named entities into predefined categories.
Intent Matcher Application
Developed a hybrid model to predict intent of two questions based on generating a context-rich text feature vector by combining single words and word sequences to form a multi-dimensional word embedding structure using Word2Vec model.
Auto Text Generation
Developed an intelligent application that predicts the next n words given a sequence of words based on a Markov's N-Grams assumption.
Movies Recommender System
Developed an intelligent application that recommends user movies related to the movie selected by the them based on Cosine Similarity among the movies.