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For each assessment, students must score 90%. Used a dataset from one of Africa's largest open data platforms, openAfrica. Learners build an ARMA time-series model to predict particulate matter levels in Kenya. They extract data from a MongoDB database using pymongo, and improve model...
Heathcliff Nyambiya
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For each assessment, students must score 90%. Learners build logistic regression and decision tree models to predict earthquake damage to buildings. They extract data from a SQLite database, and reveal the biases in data that can lead to discrimination. -Queried an SQL database. -Performed a...
Heathcliff Nyambiya
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Analyzing American Baby Names Using SQL

I investigate how American baby names have changed over the years by running a series of SQL queries and using data from the United States Social Security Administration. I analyze which names have stood the test of time and which names have only been trendy for a few years.
Aathira Santhosh
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Indonesian Abusive and Hate Speech Twitter Text Analysis

Text Analysis and API documentation for Text Processing of Negative Tweets in Indonesia
Aldimeola Alfarisy
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Pizza Place Sales Analysis using SQL

The analysis aimed to provide insights and recommendations to help the restaurant's leaders make informed decisions about managing the business.
Victor Nyakako
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Danny's Diner

Danny's Diner is a Japanese food restaurant that sells sushi, curry, and ramen. Danny needs help to analyze his basic customer data, including visiting patterns, spending habits, and favorite menu items, to personalize customer experiences and expand the loyalty program.
Victor Nyakako
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TEMU Ecommerce Business Analytics

This project examines the surging e-commerce platform, TEMU, with market segmentation analysis, competitor performance evaluations, and sales prediction through polynomial regression model.
Shixing Lin
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20-21 Covid Death Exploration

A global exploration of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths attributed to Covid in 2020-2021
Chandrika Jones
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Bike Stores Sample Database | Microsoft SQL Server

SQL programming is used in Microsoft SQL Server for the "Bike Store" database. We tracked several products catalog, inventory, customers, sales, and employees. I implemented queries, retrieve, and aggregate thousands of records to gain insights. Additionally, the OLAP cubes for advanced analytics.
Simon Gamboa
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Chemicals In Cosmetics

Did you know that there are over 12,000 chemicals used in cosmetics and personal care products? This dataset contains information on the chemicals used in cosmetics, including the name of the chemical, the company that manufactures it and the primary category it is used in
Hezekiah Precious
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NBA Data Analysis: The Effect of Back-to-Back Games on Team Performance

Since 2015, the NBA has made an effort to reduce back-to-back games to improve its product. But how much of an impact does a day of rest provide? The goal of this project was to analyze how teams perform in the second game of a back-to-back when compared to playing with at least one day of rest.
Nathaniel Mekonen
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TryBasket- Django WebApplication

•Developed an e-commerce website for a grocery store using the Python Django framework. •Used PostgreSQL database for managing user, products, and order data. •Integrated APIs for OTP verification (Twilio) and payment methods (Razorpay and PayPal) •Hosted the website in AWS - EC2 with Nginx
Mubarak Mayyeri
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E-commerce data analysis & Dashboards

E-Commerce Companys' Performance Analysis (2014-2018) The project is on analyzing an E-commerce company's 4 years of performance in the USA. Data Preparations: Tableau Prep & SQL Data Visualization: Tableau
Pritom Bhowmik
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Data Modeling for Sparkify

A music streaming company, Sparkify, has decided that it is time to introduce more automation and monitoring to the data they collected. The case study depicts the choices that can be made by Sparkify to model and engineer the data.
Sagar Dhungel
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Analysis S&P-500 / análisis S&P-500

Data analysis about the data of stock index S&P-500, specifically about companys that make it up, comercial sectors, space in time, and the headquarters of the companies. Proyecto análisis de datos sobre el índice bursátil S&P500, en específico sobre las empresas que lo conforman. análisis por...
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SQL Based Ping Pong Ranking System

Ping pong ranking system, based on chess ELO rankings, that my friends and I use to decide who is actually better at ping pong! The app is built and deployed using Streamlit with a SQL BigQuery backend.
Jack Leitch
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SQL Analysis - Northwind dataset

Link to queries and results: https://tinyurl.com/notion-sql
Edi Pirnat
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Pitchfork Over the Years

I used Matplotlib to produce several visualizations of long term trends for the ratings on the online music magazine Pitchfork. I also used SQL to produce summary statistics about the data. In this project, I found that Pitchfork's scores have been rising since 2009 as a result of a decline in...
Kevin Johnson
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Extracting Data using YouTube API

The aim of this project is to work with real data using YouTube API to collect video statistics from the freeCodeCamp channel. The data extracted were view, like and comment counts for each YouTube video. A data pipeline was built so it has been possible to pull new data and upload into a...
Thiago Pauli
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SpaceX Landing Analysis

An analysis of datasets on SpaceX launches and landings.
Turner Luke
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Movies - Ratings and Box Office collection

Data collected by IMDB (audience) & Rotten Tomatoes (critique)
Marco Cutraro
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